GKSS-NWU Enabling National Tech Emancipation Ko Vaal

May 15, 2023

Most of the tech and innovation programmes in South Africa are centred at the economic of country, Johannesburg and this tends to set some parts of the country at a disadvantage. If you are in Pretoria, Vaal always seem too far away – “can’t there just be flights to ko Vaal mara” is what some would say.

The Geekulcha Student Society (GKSS) leadership at the North West University in Vanderbiljpark has set a course to ensure that their fellow students do not get left behind in national programmes. Upon creation of the GKSS chapter, they embarked on an interest check mission by creating surveys to understand what sort technologies and programmes that students would like to be involved in.

Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence are amongst the streams that students at the Northern West University indicated as of interest and it comes as no surprise to see the GKSS leadership setting strides to help students get involved in national programmes that focuses on these.

When the ITWeb Security Summit Hackathon opened registration in for 2023, a large number of students from NWU registered for the hackathon which started off with an IDEATHON on the 13th of May. The GKSS-NWU leadership ensured that the students participated and to their relief, the institution assisted with a bus to attend, learn and set their ideas in motion with assistance from industry leaders.

The GKSS-NWU chapter has other activities planned up on campus and society to ensure that their institution and the community standout.

Geekulcha looks forward to seeing and supporting more enlightenment and development programmes by the leadership of GKSS at the North West University ko Vaal.